
The present tense: regular -ir (second conjugation) verbs - French Grammar


  • If an infinitive ends in -ir, it means the verb belongs to the second conjugation, for example, finirchoisirremplir.
  • The stem of -ir verbs in the present tense is formed by taking the infinitive and chopping off -ir.
InfinitiveStem (without -ir)
finir (to finish)fin-
choisir (to choose)chois-
remplir (to fill, to fill in)rempl-
  • Now add the correct ending, depending on whether you are referring to je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils or elles.

  • Here are the present tense endings for -ir verbs:
PronounEndingAdd to stem, e.g. fin-Meanings
je (j’)-isje finisI finish
I am finishing
tu-istu finisyou finish
you are finishing
-itil finit
elle finit
on finit
he/she/it/one is
nous-issonsnous finissonswe finish
we are finishing
vous-issezvous finissezyou finish
you are finishing
-issentils finissent
elles finissent
they finish
they are finishing
Le cours finit à onze heures.The lesson finishes at eleven o’clock.
Je finis mes devoirs.I’m finishing my homework.
Tipje changes to j’ in front of a word starting with a vowel, most words starting with h, and the French word y.
  • The nous and vous forms of -ir verbs have an extra syllable.
tu fi|nis(two syllables)
vous fi|ni|ssez(three syllables)
Key points
  • Verbs ending in -ir belong to the second conjugation and form their present tense stem by losing the -ir from the infinitive.
  • The present tense endings for -ir verbs are:-is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent.
  • Remember the extra syllable in the nous and vous forms.