
The present tense: regular -re (third conjugation) verbs - French Grammar


  • If an infinitive ends in -re, it means the verb belongs to the third conjugation, for example, attendrevendreentendre.
  • The stem of -re verbs in the present tense is formed by taking the infinitive and chopping off -re.
InfinitiveStem (without -re)
attendre (to wait)attend-
vendre (to sell)vend-
entendre (to hear)entend-
  • Now add the correct ending, depending on whether you are referring to je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils or elles.

  • Here are the present tense endings for -re verbs:
PronounEndingAdd to stem, e.g. attend-Meanings
je (j’)-sj’attendsI wait
I am waiting
tu-stu attendsyou wait
you are waiting
-il attend
elle attend
on attend
he/she/it/one waits
he/she/it/one is
nous-onsnous attendonswe wait
we are waiting
vous-ezvous attendezyou wait
you are waiting
-entils attendent
elles attendent
they wait
they are waiting
J’attends ma sœur.I’m waiting for my sister.
Chaque matin nous attendons le train ensemble.Every morning we wait for the train together.
Tipje changes to j’ in front of a word starting with a vowel, most words starting with h, and the French word y.
Key points
  • Verbs ending in -re belong to the third conjugation and form their present tense stem by losing the -re from the infinitive.
  • The present tense endings for -re verbs are: -s, -s, -, -ons, -ez, -ent.